Photos from ... Paul Bunyan's Farm, Chicopee • Coward Farm, Southwick • Cranston's Tree Farm, Ashfield
Davagian Tree Farm, Sutton • Deerfield Tree Farm, Millis • Evergreen Farm, Sterling • Herrick Tree Farm, Boxford D. J. Hussey Farm, Townsend • Indian Rock Farm, Foxboro • MerriHill Tree Farm, Merrimac
Mistletoe Acres Tree Farm LLC, East Bridgewater • Silver Bell Farm, Monson Vandervalk Family Tree Farm, Mendon • Wolfie's Tree Farm, Ashfield
Photos from ...
Paul Bunyan's Farm, Chicopee • Chestnut Mountain Farm, Hatfield • Cranston's Tree Farm, Ashfield • Evergreen Farm, Sterling
Indian Rock Farm, Foxboro • Kip's Christmas Tree Farm, New Braintree • Merrihill Tree Farm, Merrimac Mistletoe Christmas Tree Farm, Stow • Pacing Pine Farm, Shirley • Seekonk Tree Farm, Great Barrington
Photos from ...
Paul Bunyan's Farm, Chicopee • Coward Farm, Southwick • Crane Hill Tree Farm, Washington • Crane Neck Tree Farm, West Newbury
Cranston's Tree Farm, Ashfield • Davagian Tree Farm, Sutton • Hansen's Tree Farm, Haverhill • D. J. Hussey Farm, Townsend
Ioka Valley Farm, Hancock • Itty Bitty Farm, Windsor • Ket-Tree Farms, Monson • Massachusetts Department of Agriculture, Boston
Merrihill Tree Farm, Merrimac • Mistletoe Acres Tree Farm, LLC. East Bridgewater • Morse Tree Farm, Southbridge Pierce's Tree Farm, Lunenburg • Radebaugh's Christmas Tree Farm, Belchertown
Riverwind Tree Farm, Lancaster • Turkey Hill Farm, Haverhill
Growing Christmas trees is a year-round business. These photos give the viewer a glimpse into
some of the yearly activities of the Christmas tree grower.
Whether these 5-year-old Christmas tree transplants are bare root or grown in pots, they are
planted in the main fields either mechanically or by hand. It will take them another 7 years to become a 7- foot Christmas tree.
To keep competing vegetation down and to allow for optimum tree growth, growers mow in between
the rows of trees from mid-spring through fall.
Every year after a tree reaches three to four feet in height, it is given a "haircut." It is
trimmed with a sharp knife, hedge shears, mechanical machine, pole trimmer, or pruning shears,
Experts in Christmas tree culture and diseases speak to MCTA members at Association twilight
meetings and annual meetings.
MCTA members participate in Christmas tree fair contests.
In the fall, a wholesale Christmas tree grower will select and grade the number of trees he has
for sale. Then in mid to late November, the harvest season begins for both the retail and wholesale grower.
During the Christmas tree season, many growers provide carts, tarps, or wagons to carry the tree.
Many also provide customer baling and shaking services.
To "kick Off" the Christmas tree selling season, the Commissioner of Agriculture cuts down a
ceremonial Christmas tree at one of our farms on the Friday after Thanksgiving. The Governor issues a proclamation that this day be called Green Friday in honor of real
Christmas trees.